We have preschool playgroup vacancies for children aged from 2 years 6 months – starting in September 2018. Please call Nikki in our playgroup on 01733 340605 for more information or to book a visit.
Please note that we have recently introduced all day sessions in line with the 30 hours free childcare funding. Please ask for more details.
If you know of a Peterborough parent who may be interested in sending their child to New Ark then please tell them about us – we rely on word of mouth recommendations.

5 reasons to bring your child to New Ark playgroup
Staff – We provide a caring environment that nurtures the individual needs of young children.
Space – Fantastic play area to build physical skills for life..
City Farm – Every child is given the opportunity to feed and care for our animals.
Eco-Centre – Den building, pond dipping, bug hunts and use of natural materials to help young children learn and develop skills.
Recognition – Parents love the imaginative work of our staff.
More information about our playgroup is at www.newarkplay.co.uk/preschool