Help create a mud kitchen

Our eco centre staff are setting up a mud kitchen, to start using with the playgroup children in September.

mud kitchen

Do you have any old kitchen utensils that we can have? We prefer metal or wood but can accept some things that only come in plastic e.g. pipettes/turkey baster.

We are particularly looking for the following items in wood/metal. If you have any spare please drop them off at New Ark – either at the eco centre or the main building.
– muffin/cup cake trays
– bowls all sizes- metal/clay/wood
– cups/saucers/plates
– jugs/measuring jugs/other measuring utensils
– teapot/kettle
– saucepans/wok/mess tins/
– trays/baking trays
– sieve/colander/funnel
– pestle and mortar
– ice cream scoop/whisk/tongs/turkey baster
– anything a bit unusual or quirky
– an old microwave
– herbs eg parsley/chives/mint etc

And if you would like to help New Ark with donations or other items, here’s a list of items we are always grateful for…


can you donate