Preschool Newsletter – 19 June 2020

A warm hello to all our families

We hope you are all managing to stay safe and well and keeping your little ones entertained.

This month we celebrate preschool’s 50th birthday and in time we hope to welcome you all back to share this special occasion with us. For those children leaving us and going to school in September we will be arranging a Teddies Bear Picnic when we are allowed to do so and will contact you with a date.

To help keep your children entertained and for those children going to school here are some helpful links:
National Literacy Trust

On the Peterborough City Council website, you can find a useful guide about preparing your child ready for school, this can be found under ‘School Readiness’. There are also some other useful contacts and further links which may be of some help to you.

Please let us know if you need any further advice or support with regard to your children being school ready or any other area of concern. We will then post the information you have requested to you.

Steve, one of our committee members and a volunteer named Hazel have kindly been sharing stories on our Facebook page. Recently they have both had to take some time off but will be back soon with further stories, rhymes and news about our farm and the animals especially Lorna the rabbit who within the last two weeks has had a baby. We will be putting a picture on Facebook soon.

As you are all aware, NewArk has been closed for up to 11 weeks and we have not been able to do our fundraisers one of which was our Easter Egg Hunt and this month we would be looking forward to our June event. As a charity, fundraising plays an important role in achieving the ongoing security of NewArk. If any of our parents have ideas or know of any funding opportunities that can help us to try and make a difference to the money that we have lost through this pandemic, please contact us on 340605.

Stay safe.

Samantha Brown