As you may have heard, New Ark is having our funding from Peterborough City Council phased out over the next 3 years. We use this funding to:
– Pay the playworker staff who run our public sessions.
– Keep costs affordable to all parents.
– Enable families/children in need to access New Ark.
We will have to meet the shortfall at the end of this period.
If you have ideas to help our management committee overcome this funding gap, please do contact us. Our charity needs a wealth of people with different skills, so maybe you could even join our committee.
Some of the ways that YOU can help to make sure New Ark’s future is secured:
– Help us get sponsorship from local businesses.
– Nominate us to your employer’s fundraising or community support scheme.
– Organise fundraising events on behalf of New Ark. Attend those that are organised by others.
– Tell us about funding applications, or nominate us if you are asked for suggestions
– Make donations of money, resources and materials to us
– Offer us your time. No contribution is too small!
In the meantime we are continuing to apply for grants and funding – you can find news on two recent successful funding applications here.
And of course we continue to fundraise, for which we rely heavily on the generosity of our parents and the local community. A round up of last year’s fundraising activity is in our most recent annual report. Thank you to everyone who helped us in any way – we have tried to include as many of your fundraising achievements as possible in the annual report.
Future fundraising events for your diary are below, please make a note in your diary now, and do contact us if you are willing to help us with these events. You can help us to make them into awesome fundraisers!
Edit… Please note that since this page was first published the date of our 2019 Summer Festival has now changed to Saturday 22 June.