Our fundraising Christmas Bazaar is an annual tradition, with hot food, children’s activities, outdoor play and the city farm. Entrance is by silver donation. Please help us advertise by printing out and putting up this poster somewhere that it will be seen.

Other ways you can help with our fundraising:
* Make donations of chocolate, bottles of drink and toiletries for our hamper and raffle.
* Bake homemade cakes for our cake stall; please include a list of ingredients.
* Help us spread the word by inviting your friends/sharing the event.
* Attend the event and have lots of fun!
Planned activities include:
Main building 12-3pm Activities include * treasure hunt * cake stall * gift tombola * children’s tombola * soft toy stall * chocolate tombola. We also have refreshments for sale, including hot food
Adventure playground 12-3pm Open for playing dependent on weather
City Farm – open 12.30-3pm * feeding our animals * sponsor an animal * buy reindeer food, and more
Father Christmas
This year Santa’s grotto will be located in our Eco Centre between 12.30 and 2.30pm. Tickets are on sale from week commencing 11 November for £3 to include a small gift. If you want to guarantee having an age-appropriate gift/rough timeslot then please prebook by calling Sam or Sally on 01733 340605. A few tickets may be available on the day of the bazaar.