Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you are all well and keeping safe.
It is a very challenging time and we hope that it will not be long before we can see you and the children at New Ark again.
We are monitoring the situation on a daily basis, but unfortunately these are unprecedented times and we are unsure when we will be able to return. We understand that you may have questions to ask, these can be sent to our email address: newarkplay.office@gmail.com
We have put together some information to help you through this difficult time ahead and here are some useful links for you and your children:
For those parents that are preparing their children for starting school in September here are some useful links:
For those children who will be returning in September, we will be in contact as soon as we can to offer additional hours.
We are also hoping that we will be able to still do a teddy bears’ picnic before or during the summer holidays, but this will depend on the current situation. Eventually when we do return, we will have a party not only to say hello to our children and parents, but also to mark the 50-year birthday of preschool.
A reminder to parents who claim 30 hour funding for their child to renew your code.
If there is any further support that you may need please email us.
Take care and stay safe.
Yours sincerely

Jo Curphey
New Ark Play Association Ltd
Management Committee Chair